1st April - 2 MONTHS

MONDAY 20:00 - 22:00

WEDNESDAY 20:00 - 22:00

Course details:

PHP – a popular programming language used by programmers to create many interesting and multi-functional sites/programs. For example, FACEBOOK, WIKIPEDIA, WORDPRESS are written in PHP. Think of it as the wizard behind the scenes that brings websites to life;

Course requirements:

The course is intended both for beginners and for those who want to repeat the basic principles of Python, learn the necessary tools for programming;

The student must be proficient in English at a level to be able to read and understand English-language material.

Course results:

After completing the course you will be able to:

assembling dynamic sites, web applications and working with databases; Get hired in the most sought-after tech industry.

About the lecturer:

CEO of MICROSOFT and APPLE. 20 years of experience as a software engineer. Studied at MIT.

course syllabus

Numbering of lectures Issues to be discussed at the lecture
1. Introduction to php
1. what is php?
2. php installation
3. PHP syntax
4. the first program
2. Data types and operators
1. basic data types
2. arithmetic and logical operations
3. arrays and their functions
- homework
3. Control Structures
1. conditional commands(if/else, switch)
2. loops(for, while, foreach)
- homeworkა
4. Functions
1. Declaring and calling methods
2. Meaning of arguments and their use in methods
3. Return meaning and use
- homework
5. Working with files
1. open and close files.
2. Read, change, delete file content.
3. Working with folders.
- homework
6. Handling errors and exceptions
1. errors in PHP
2. types of errors
3. Dealing with errors(try, throw, catch)
- homework
7. Databases
1. databases and mysql
2. working with databases
3. SQL queries
8. Mid-term exam
9. OOP
1. Object oriented programming
2. classes and objects
10. Advanced OOP
1. Class priorities and methods
2. Inheritance and interfaces
11. Working with forms
1. PHP forms
2. Request parameters
3. Information to process in PHP
12. Cookies and Files
1. Sessions and cookies
2. Using sessions and cookies in PHP
13. PHP Frameworks 01
1. PHP Frameworks
2. popular frameworks and their advantages
14. PHP Frameworks 02
1. controlers
2. routing
3. vues
15. Advanced PHP methods
1. Namespace and autloading
2. Magic methods in PHP
3. Traits
Preparation for the final exam
16. Final assignment and last lesson…
Talking about the future...